Let’s all contribute to others! 

This blog is translated from Japanese to English by the new Bing.

This time, I will write a blog about contributing to others,
which is a way of making yourself happy by acting for the sake of others. 
Let’s all contribute to others and make ourselves and those around us happy.



What is contributing to others?

Contributing to others is doing something for someone else without seeking your own benefit or return.
For example,

volunteering, community contribution,
support for friends and family,
cooperation and suggestions at work, etc.

Contributing to others is a wonderful act that makes you and the other person happy by providing unconditional love.

What are the benefits of contributing to others?

There are various benefits of contributing to others.
First of all, your own happiness level increases. By contributing to others, you can feel your value and purpose of existence, increase your self-esteem and confidence, and gain gratitude and satisfaction.

Also, by contributing to others, you deepen your trust relationship and communication with the other person. By empathizing with them, understanding them, respecting them, you can also gain trust and gratitude from them.

Furthermore, by contributing to others, you can also contribute to work efficiency and results. By cooperating for the sake of others, suggesting ideas, fulfilling responsibilities, you can improve the quality and speed of work, as well as teamwork and evaluation.

How can we contribute to others?

To contribute to others, it is good to keep in mind the following things.

  • Notice the needs and emotions of the other person
  • Think from the perspective and viewpoint of the other person
  • Speak kindly and politely to the other person
  • Acknowledge and praise the good points and efforts of the other person
  • Help with their troubles or worries
  • Listen to and accept their opinions or suggestions
  • Work with them towards a goal


Contributing to others is a wonderful act that makes you and the other person happy by providing unconditional love. Contributing to others has benefits such as increasing your happiness level and self-esteem, deepening your trust relationship and communication with the other person, contributing to work efficiency and results.
To contribute to others, notice their needs and emotions, think from their perspective, speak kindly, acknowledge their good points, help with their troubles, listen to their suggestions, and work with them towards a goal.
By contributing to others, you can make yourself happy, make them happy, and create a better society.
Please try contributing to others!

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