It’s so different! Causality and Teleology

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Hello. Today, I will talk about causality and teleology in Adlerian psychology.
Causality and teleology are ways of thinking used to consider the reasons for human emotions and behavior.
However, these two ways of thinking are very different.
To explain how they differ, I have written a blog post with concrete examples that even elementary school students can understand. Please read on.



What is causality?

Causality is the idea that human emotions and behavior are determined by past events.

For example, one person may be good at playing the piano because they learned it from a young age, and another child may be afraid of the dark because they had a scary experience with darkness in the past.
Causal thinkers often try to find the causes of their own and others’ emotions and behavior.
They may recall or talk about past events or experiences to do so.
Causal thinkers often believe that they can solve problems by understanding the causes of their own and others’ emotions and behavior. For example, if a child is being bullied at school, a causal thinker will try to find the cause of the bullying.
They may ask questions like, “Why is this child being bullied?” “What happened to them?” and “When did it start?”
Once they understand the cause of the bullying, they will advise or encourage the child to eliminate the cause.

What is teleology?

Teleology is the idea that human emotions and behavior are determined by future goals or objectives.
For example, one person may be good at playing the piano because they have chosen to use the piano as a tool to express their talent, or a child may be afraid of the dark because they have created fear to gain their mother’s attention. Teleological thinkers often try to find the purpose or goal behind their own and others’ emotions and behavior.
They may consider the current situation or future prospects, or listen to their own and others’ values and beliefs to do so.

Teleological thinkers often believe that they can solve problems by revealing the purpose or goal behind their own and others’ emotions and behavior. For example, if a child is being bullied at school, a teleological thinker will try to find the purpose of the bullying.
They may ask questions like, “What does this child want to become?” “What does this child want to be perceived as?” and “How does this child want to feel?” Once they understand the purpose of the bullying, they will offer the child options and support to achieve their purpose in another way.

Which is better?

Causality and teleology are very different ways of thinking.
It cannot be said unequivocally which one is better. Depending on the situation, both causality and teleology can be useful.
However, in Adlerian psychology, teleology is considered to lead to human growth and happiness.
This is because teleology recognizes that individuals choose their emotions and actions by their own will.
Acknowledging that one chooses by their own will means that one can change it on their own responsibility.
Being able to change a problem on one’s own responsibility means that one can solve it with one’s own power. Expanding one’s potential means increasing one’s happiness.

In conclusion, causality and teleology are so different. It is up to you which way of thinking to use. However, if you are seeking your own growth and happiness, it may be worth trying teleology. -Teleology gives meaning to your emotions and actions. -Teleology finds solutions to your problems. -Teleology gives hope to your life. -Teleology changes your life. What will you do?

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