self-esteem– category –
Let’s take a breather – How to maintain self-esteem for middle managers.
Thank you for visiting "Mae-Buro". I believe that those who work as middle managers face various problems, such as adjusting between superiors and subordinates and stress-related depression. In the midst of those problems, it is extremel... -
Let’s try it! Reframing.
Thank you for visiting "Mae Bro" According to Adlerian psychology, changing one's way of thinking and perspective can allow for positive acceptance of oneself and others, as well as problem-solving. A technique that can be useful for thi... -
The difference between trust and confidence: Thinking from Adlerian psychology
This blog is translated from Japanese to English by the new Bing. 【Introduction】 Do you know the difference between trust and confidence?Adlerian psychology is a psychology that teaches us about human happiness and relationships.In thi... -
It’s so different! Causality and Teleology
This blog is translated from Japanese to English by the new Bing. Hello. Today, I will talk about causality and teleology in Adlerian psychology. Causality and teleology are ways of thinking used to consider the reasons for human emotion... -
Solve your troubles by separating tasks! Introduction to Adlerian psychology
this blog has been translated into English on the new bing. Hello! Today I would like to introduce you to a way of thinking called Adlerian psychology.Adlerian psychology is said to be "psychology for living happily In this way of thinki... -
Let’s all contribute to others!
This blog is translated from Japanese to English by the new Bing. This time, I will write a blog about contributing to others, which is a way of making yourself happy by acting for the sake of others. Let's all contribute to others and m... -
社会や他人の役に立つ存在と感じられていますか? 「まえブロ」にお越しくださりありがとうございます。今回は自己有用感についてのブログとなります、ぜひ最後までお読みください。 【自己有用感を高める方法】 自己有用感を高める3つの方法を紹介します... -
自分の人生、自分で決定できていますか? 「まえブロ」にお越しくださりありがとうございます。今回は自己決定感についてのブログとなります、ぜひ最後までお読みください。 【自己決定感を高める方法】 自己決定感を高める3つの方法を紹介します。... -
自分に自信を持って生活ができていますか? 「まえブロ」にお越しくださりありがとうございます。今回は自己信頼感についてのブログとなります、ぜひ最後までお読みください。 【自己信頼感とは自分を信頼して行動する感覚】 自己信頼感は、自分に自信をも... -
「まえブロ」にお越しくださりありがとうございます。今回は自己効力感についてのブログとなります、ぜひ最後までお読みください。 【自己効力感とは自分にはできると思える感覚】 自己効力感は、自分には達成する力があると信じ、人生は何度でも挑戦でき...